
Plan Your Next Season

August 2023, by Scott Obernberger

The fall season is here and with it are not just some of my best shows but also the task of working on next year’s schedule. It may seem early to start, but as they always say, “The early potter gets…

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On the Road Again

July 2023, by Scott Obernberger

So, you would think with a title like “On the Road Again” that I would write a bit more about being on the road. Well folks, this is the time.  I am sitting on an airplane just over the tip of…

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From Art Shows and Retail to Wholesale

April 2023, by Scott Obernberger

Trying something new is always a bit scary. This is true whether it is a new product line, style, or show.  In February, I stretched into an area that proved to be scarier than I originally…

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Why It’s Important To Establish a Brand

February 2023, by Scott Obernberger

Now that the holiday season has passed, many of us are working hard to build up inventory and prepare for the new show season. In January, I talked about examining what we did last year, our…

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Plan for the Upcoming Year

January 2023, by Scott Obernberger

As we begin a new year, it is the perfect time to review what we did this past year and plan for the future. One cannot develop a good game plan without looking back at the old one to see what went…

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