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Art Show Reviews Now Online
Sunshine Artist has been adding show reviews to its new website. Read our latest show reviews here.

What’s New?
February 2025, by Diane Sulg
If there is one magic word in retailing, it is NEW. You see it everywhere and in all types of stores, from clothing to jewelry to home décor. Nothing spells doom for a store faster than having the…

Show Review of the Month Loring Park Art Festival
March 2025, by Angie Landsverk
July 29-30, 2023; Loring Park Art Festival, Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Artists for Artists, Pat Parnow, 4305 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55407; Phone: 612-203-9911; Email…

What Is Your Time Worth?
February 2025, by Scott Obernberger
In the last issue, I discussed re-assessing your business model, pricing, and what you make. This issue includes the 200 Best ballot — a resource that helps artists determine shows that are good…

It’s Almost a Wrap
January 2025, by Scott Obernberger
The traditional show season is wrapping up. As I write this, what is left for the year are Christmas/holiday shows, so it is a wonderful time to review the year that was and plan for the year to…