200 Best Voting
Help determine the 200 Best shows by listing your top bestselling events of the 2024 calendar year.
Winners will be announced in the August/September issue.
For each show share:
- Gross sales
- Average price of transaction
- Show type
- FA - Fine Art: These shows and festivals are geared toward fine art and design, including 2D and 3D work, primarily one-of-a-kind items and many museum-quality pieces.
- CC - Classic & Contemporary Crafts: These shows and festivals are geared toward traditional, country and modern styles of craft work, handmade by exhibitors. These events are likely to incorporate more handcrafted production work and a smaller percentage of museum-quality items.
You can vote for up to 10 shows; if you want to vote for more than 5 shows, submit this form a second time. Order of voting doesn't matter; results are based on numerical averages only. You will be asked for sales data from each show. This information is not personalized or available to promoters later.
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