Christmas Made in the South - Columbus

Christmas Made in the South is focused on keeping the world of fine arts and crafts vibrant. Exhibitors will be there all three days demonstrating and selling their handcrafted works, Santa's elves hard at work. Speaking of SANTA he will be here too so bring your gift list! Also enjoy the carols from the brilliant Queen's Carolers!

This is an event like no other. Amazing makers, outstanding art, unique gourmet food, and diverse entertainment to whet and satisfy every demanding appetite. Handmade, one-of-a-kind designs populate the booths that fill the festival: silk wearables to fabric bags, dichroic glass jewelry to close-up photography of nature's funniest and fiercest creatures all await and more!

Event Listings

Title Starts Application Deadline
Title Christmas Made in the South - Columbus Starts 11/1/2024 Application Deadline 10/20/2024
Title Christmas Made in the South - Columbus Starts 10/31/2025 Application Deadline 10/20/2025