What Makes a Display Great? Take This Quiz from Howard Alan Events to Find Out

- 1. True or False: For juried shows, it is important that your booth layout and inventory match what you included in your application.
- 2. True or False: You should give an interested person walking into your booth time to enjoy the artwork before approaching them.
- 3. True or False: Your booth should tell a story of your work and who you are, rather than showcase a variety of different styles.
- 4. Which booth layout is generally considered most effective for attracting customers?
A) U-shaped.
B) L-shaped.
C) Grid pattern.
D) Completely open with no defined structure.
- 5. What material is NOT recommended for booth displays in outdoor festivals?
A) Sturdy and weather-resistant fabrics.
B) Heavy-duty metal shelving.
C) Cardboard boxes as display stands.
D) Lightweight but durable plastic fixtures.
- 6. Where is the best place for an artist to sit or stand during a show?
A) Behind the booth, out of sight.
B) In the middle of the booth, blocking artwork.
C) Near the entrance, engaging with customers.
D) At a nearby coffee shop to relax.
- 7. An artist selling ceramic art can make their booth more attractive by using _______________to elevate items and draw attention to their unique textures and colors. (Fill in the blank)
- 8. True or False: Building a personal connection with customers can encourage them to collect and cherish your work.

Answer Key
- 1. True. Art festival promoters want to see consistency. For instance, if you submitted colorful abstract paintings, your booth should focus on showcasing those, rather than unrelated work.
- 2. True. Let them explore briefly, then engage naturally and warmly.
- 3. True. A cohesive story draws people in.
- 4. A) U-shaped. A U-shaped layout encourages customers to enter the booth, browse comfortably, and spend more time looking at items.
- 5. C) Cardboard boxes as display stands. Outdoor festivals often deal with wind or rain, so displays should be durable and stable.
- 6. C) Near the entrance, engaging with customers. Standing near the entrance allows you to greet customers and make the space inviting.
- 7. Risers or pedestals. Using height variation can create a dynamic and professional-looking display.
- 8. True. Personal connections create loyal, happy customers who treasure your work.