Sunshine Artist’s 200 BEST Ballot

February 2022

The 2022 200 Best voting deadline has passed.

The 200 Best list is available in Sunshine Artist’s September 2022 issue, as well as online at‑best.

The 2023 200 Best ballot will open in early 2023. Artists will be asked to list the most profitable art and/or craft shows they exhibited at during the previous year, indicate their level of gross sales at each event, and note whether they considered themselves fine artists or craftspeople for each event.

The Fine Art and Design category is geared towards fine art, including 3D works, featuring primarily one-of-a-kind items and many museum-quality pieces. Examples of works within this category would be oil, watercolor, and acrylic paintings; fine sculpture; drawings and pastels; art glass; and art photography.

The Classic and Contemporary Crafts category is geared towards traditional, country, and modern styles of craftwork, handmade by exhibitors. Examples include woodworking; metal crafts; fiber and wearable art; ceramics and pottery; some jewelry; and home décor items.