Crafting a Legacy

September 2021, by Diane Sulg

Sue Shapiro loves what she does. 
Photo courtesy of SHAPIRO’s Gallery 

Sue Shapiro is what she dreamed to be - a talented and successful potter. She grew up in an artistic family. Her father was a commercial artist, and her mother was an accomplished quilter. In 1980, Sue graduated from Massachusetts College of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in ceramics. Armed with her degree, she was fortunate to receive an apprenticeship at the distinguished Cohen Pottery. Working with Michael Cohen and Harriet Goodwin, she honed her artistic skills, and more importantly, learned so much about the business of being a studio potter.  

As you will see, Sue is always ready to take advantage of opportunities, so she applied to the NEA for an artist’s grant. When she was awarded $5,000, a handsome sum in those days, she decided to open her own studio, SMS Pottery. She and her husband Mike Shapiro, who was a social worker, moved to St. Petersburg, Florida, where she set up her studio and worked full time as a potter. She did retail art shows and wholesaled her work by showing at ACC shows. 

The scary and exciting part came when Mike, weighed down by the bureaucracy of social work, suggested he join her business to help it grow. By then they had two small children, so forsaking a regular income with benefits was intimidating. But little by little, they made it happen. When they saw a little storefront become available, they leased it. In a few years, they moved to Baywalk, a popular shopping mall, in the heart of downtown St. Petersburg. In addition to Sue’s ceramics, they sold crafts made by other Florida artists. When a competitor, People’s Pottery, closed, SHAPIRO’S Gallery seized the opportunity and moved into its space, which was larger and beautifully designed. 

Sue remembers those years with joy. Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., she says they were almost giddy with the volume of inventory they sold. They purchased upscale, handmade crafts from artists across the country as they attended national trade shows. They built a loyal customer base composed of both locals and tourists who visited whenever they came to St. Petersburg. Knowing the importance of location, when Baywalk began to lose its popularity in 2009, they moved one more time to their present location on Beach Drive, walking many pieces of inventory three blocks to their new gallery. 

As mentioned earlier, Sue and Mike have two children, a son Matt and a daughter Alena. Both attended the University of Central Florida, and both surprisingly asked to join the family business. Matt, who is good with both numbers and customers, has made it his mission to widen their audience to include young shoppers. Alena loves e-commerce, social media, and the store’s wonderful website, Hunting spectacular craft for their gallery at nationwide tradeshows is now a family affair. 

This has given Sue the opportunity to “step back a bit.” She still oversees the gallery’s gorgeous displays, but she is home more, making pottery. Her emphasis is on smaller, affordable pieces, because she wants everyone to own a piece of craft, even if it is just a coffee mug or a tiny vase. She uses the word “lucky” a lot. Lucky they did it together, lucky in their moves, lucky they got COVID-19 funds to keep their employees, lucky they have a second generation to continue SHAPIRO’S Gallery. Actually, Sue is lucky because she heeded the advice she gives younger artists: do what you love and do it in your own style! 

A beautiful Sue Shapiro pot. 
Photo courtesy of SHAPIRO’s Gallery 
A view inside SHAPIRO’s Gallery, located in St. Petersburg, Florida. 
Photo courtesy of SHAPIRO’s Gallery 

About the Author

Diane Sulg
Diane Sulg is Executive Director of CRAFT and founder & co-chair of American Craft Week (ACW). She is a handmade advocate that provides valuable information in her one-day seminars titled “All About Wholesale” at wholesale shows throughout the United States. Diane is the former owner of Maddi’s Gallery in Charlotte and Huntersville, N.C.

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